Paperball - verwaltet Referenzen zu
tagesaktuellen Artikeln aus über 80 deutschsprachigen Online-Zeitungen
- ABC (Australian Broadcasting
(Community Broadcasting
Association of Australia)
- Public Radio News (University
of Queensland)
- Seven
See TV listings from
Jam! TV.
- YLE (Finnish Broadcasting Company, mostly in
- NRK (Norsk Rikskringkasting, in Norwegan)
- BBC (British Broadcasting Company)
including World Service, News,
beeb @ the BBC (including the Radio Times and Comedy Zone),
BBC Shop and Monitoring
Service(summary of world broadcasts).
- Bravo
- Carlton Select (cable)
- Channel 4 including
- Channel 5
- International stations
- United Kingdom
- The Disney Channel
- EBN (European Business News)
- IRN (Independent Radio News) -
listen to the hourly news (in RealAudio format)
- ITN (Independent Television News) - watch
the world news (in RealVideo format)
- ITV (Independent TeleVision).
Regions: Anglia, Border, Carlton, Central, Channel,
Granada, Grampian, HTV (Wales), LWT
(London Weekend Television), Meridian,
Tyne Tees,
Westcountry, Yorkshire.
- Landscape Channel from
- London News Network
- NASTA (National Student Television
- S4C (Welsh 4th channel)
- Sky including
Sky News
- SRA (Student Radio Association)
- TCC (The Children's Channel)
- Television X (The Fantasy Channel)
- Trouble
- Virgin Radio
See also:
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- Bellingham Antique Radio Museum,
Bellingham, Washington, USA.
- Manitoba Amateur Radio Museum,
Austin, Manitoba, Canada.
- Museum of Broadcast Communications, Chicago, USA.
- Museum of Radio and
Technology, Huntington, West Virginia, USA.
- Museum of Television & Radio, New York, USA.
- MZTV Museum of Television, Toronto, Canada.
- National Museum of Photography, Film &
Television, Bradford, UK.
- Walter's Virtual Radio Museum.
- WBAL Radio Virtual Museum, Baltimore,
See also:
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- Live Television Sources, part
of the TNS Technology Demonstrations
from Telemedia, Networks, and Systems Group at MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, USA.
- Virtual Radio (TM).
- The Science and Engineering
Television Network, Inc.
- Radio on the Internet.
- Search for "broadcast",
"radio" and "television" from Yahoo.
- Ultimate TV.
- US Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
- Association of America's Public
Television Stations (APTS).
- Television
and Radio
links from EINet Galaxy.
- Videomaker's Camcorder & Desktop Video Site .
- Broadcasting page by Nikos
Markovits, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Radio Stations on
the Internet.
- Radio stations on the Web.
- IASTAR, a new association of
university and student TV/radio stations.
- Satellite Media Services (SMS),
- Critical Mass Media, Inc. (CMM). US radio research
and marketing company. Includes a US
Commercial Radio Stations List.
- Tardis TV Archive,
especially TV shows.
- Infosearch
- Illuminations Television, British independent
production company.
- Producer's Masterguide, an
international production manual for film, television, commercials, cable and video
industries. Published annually since 1979.
- BGSU Broadcaster's WWW
Workshop, late January 1996.
- Links to international broadcasters
(mainly radio) from the World Radio Network.
- iRADIO - Interactive Radio. Publication on
radio and the Internet.
- Royal Television Society, North America.
Britain's foremost and the world's oldest television society.
- PointCast, a personalized news network.
- Intercast Industry Group. Combining television
and the Internet on the PC.
- Broadcasting - TV and Radio Obituary Page.
- Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
- AudioNet broadcast network on the Internet.
- NetRadio network.
- iRADIO interactive radio.
- RadioTower
- Intervox Communications, Internet access for
-, from Elliott Broadcast
Services. FM and AM radio databases.
- Radioinfo, a searchable database driven resource
for broadcasters, including other
radio sites.
- Society of Broadcast Engineers, Indianapolis, Indiana,
- SpectraVision hotel Pay Per View movies.
- TRS Consultants.
- Broadcasting Links from Infosearch Information Services including television and radio, newsgroups and other links.
- Broadcast Net for the broadcasting industry.
Includes the Broadcast Archive on radio broadcast
- RadioNet Talk Radio, California, USA - radio on
the Internet.
- The Internet Guide To International Broadcasters
including a country by country guide. (Uses frames.)
- Federal News Service (FNS).
- Netcast interactive radio on the Net (requires
plugin and registration - Windows only).
- NetChannel Inc. (Internet entertainment on TV).
- Televison
and radio links from the Argus Clearinghouse.
- Shortwave/radio Catalog.
- The Daily Briefing Timecast.
- Webcasting links from Yahoo.
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Der Standard
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Neue Vorarlb. TZ
Oberöst. Nachrichten
Salzb. Nachrichten
Tiroler TZ - Tirol Online
Vorarlb. Nachrichten
Wiener Zeitung
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Berliner Zeitung
Berliner Tageszeitung TAZ
Bild, Hamburg
Die Zeit, Hamburg
Die Welt
Dolomiten, Südtirol
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
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Hamburger Morgenpost
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Süddeutsche Zeitung
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Anchorage Press, Alaska
Al Ittihad, Abu Dhabi
ABC, Spain
The Age, Australia
Amigoe, Curacao
Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo
Bahrain Tribune, Bahrain
Borneo Bulletin
Business Day, Bangkok
China Times, Taiwan
Corriere della Sierra
Dagbladet Politiken, DK
Daily News, Sri Lanka
Daily Telegraph
Dawn, Pakistan
Detroit News
Die Burger, Cape Town
Eleftherotypia, Athen
Expreso, Ecuadaor
Financial Times
Granma International, Cuba
Helsingin Sanomat
Hearst Newspaper, New York
Het Volk, Belgium
The Hindu, India
Hongkong Standard
Iceland Daily News
Indonesia Times, Jakarta
The Irish Time
Jerusalem Post
Jornal do Brasil, Rio
Kathmandu Post, Nepal
The Korea Times, Seoul
Kuwait Times
Le Monde
Listin Diario, Santo Domingo
New York Times
La Nacion, Costa Rica
Nepszabadsag, Budapest
New York Times
NRC-Handelsblad, NL
Pacific Daily News
Prensa Libre, Guatemala
Publico, Lissabon
Regards, Paris
Rheinischer Merkur
Salon, USA
Santo Domingo News
Star, Johannesburg
The St. Petersburg Times
The Guardian, London
The Times of India
Turkish Daily News
USA Today
Wall Street Journal
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